Sunday, February 2, 2014

10 years.

So I did this questionnaire I found with Stormy today…I love these things. It’s always fun to see what your kid might say…

Nicknames: Stormy Sue.

How old are you? 10

What is your favorite color? Neon purple

What is your favorite animal? Panda & zebra

What is your favorite book? The Mouse and the Motorcycle (reading currently)

What is your favorite TV show? SpongeBob

What is your favorite movie? Jumanji

What is your favorite song? One Thing by One Direction

What is your favorite food? Chicken nuggets

What is your favorite drink? Pop--Dr. Pepper

What is your favorite breakfast food? oatmeal

What is your favorite snack? Beef stick

What is your favorite outfit? Bright green shirt with pink vest (got for birthday)

What is your favorite game? Minecraft

What is your favorite toy? My loom

Who is your best friend? Krsyan, Elena, Emma and Hannah

What is your favorite thing to do? read

What is your favorite thing to do outside? Ride bikes

What is your favorite holiday? Christmas

What do you like to take to bed with you at night? A book and lambies

Where is your favorite place to go? mall

What is your favorite restaurant? Don Chilitos

Where do you want to go on vacation? Florida

What do you want to be when you grow up? teacher

What did you do on your birthday? Played with stuff I got for my birthday. New hamster. Lunch. Photo-shoot.

Fun right?

And yes. We did a photo-shoot.

Here is what my darling looks like at 10.


IMG_0905 IMG_0905bw

IMG_0931bwed2 IMG_0931ed3IMG_0992

And yeah. I know I posted color and b/w versions of some. I can’t decide which I like more.


You are…everything.

And we couldn’t love you more.

As big as the moon.

As far as the stars.

And more.




1 comment:

  1. Oh this Storm...she's kind of chaotic. A little destructive. And more perfect than words can describe.
