Sunday, October 20, 2013


3 years ago I got to introduce my little man to the rest of the world.

I had known him long before that of course.120142153

Yep. My sweet Coopie is 3.

There’s so much I remember from that night.

He was my only night delivery.

My Dr. wasn’t the one who delivered him.

The epidural didn’t work quite as well as one would hope for.

There was a male nursing student for the pediatrics in the room (which was really weird to me!)

Cooper peed on the Dr. as he was being delivered (which was only fair considering how much pain she put me in!).

So yep. I remember a lot from that night.

The last 3 years have been so much fun, thanks in part to our very own Coop.

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And then Coop turned 1:


And 2:

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And now he’s 3…

I’ll share those pictures soon!

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