Sunday, July 21, 2013

You know what’s funny to me?

A lot of things.

But for today’s post…


Time is funny to me.

I remember clearly 1st period Algebra as a freshman in high school. 7:40AM and I was supposed to do math. I usually ended up bobbing my head, fighting much needed sleep. But time went s…l…o…w…. in that class. Fast in the regard that I didn’t get much sleep.

I remember the first positive pregnancy test with Shayne. It seemed like I had forever until I would meet my baby. Before I knew it I was in so much agony and screaming that five-year-old girl in pain scream from when she crowned {for those wondering. No. You never forget that pain. I still clench up. But I delivered 5 more babies after her. I decided they were worth all that pain. I was right.}

Time today…

I can’t believe that 8-years-ago I was hugely pregnant with my first son and third child. The one that was truly the most unplanned child I ever had. I was nervous. You would think I would’ve had this down pat at this point. Nope. He was my first boy. I was so nervous. And to be honest, I still am. Boys are different. So different in every way.

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Time…when you think it’s going slow…it’s just the opposite.Portrait Innovations 10-5-06 111Portrait Innovations 10-5-06 023

My sweet boy…

I’m not sure when I’m supposed to stop calling him that.

I don’t think I will.

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Connor Wyatt…

I can’t believe you are officially 8-years-old.

You have given Momma such wonderful glimpses into the man you are going to be.

Thank you for being the best surprise I will ever get.

I love you Bubba.

As big as the moon.

As far as the stars.

And more.





  1. I guess I will always remember Shayne always saying his name as "baby Connor Wyatt"! Happy Birthday little man, I love you too!

  2. Sweet boy. It's going so fast.
