Friday, October 14, 2011


I said this picture has a story…


What was it?

The kids are on fall break this week. No that is not a typo. They have been out of school all week. Parent-Teacher conferences were for a couple of days but the rest is just…a break.

So what’s up with the picture?

It’s a game at the fun place we took the kids for a little outing. Did the kids play it?


Me and Paul did.

You put tokens in and then push the button to make the balloon inflate. When it gets so big, it pops and you get more tickets. You have to wait to push the button until it’s at the right moment on the spinny thingy {very technical terms I know} and then push it. Otherwise it tells you you are not good at the game. Paul did better than I did. He used more tokens though. So technically, I won.

As far as the rest of the crew…

Everyone had fun. There are rides. Games. Tickets. Prizes. Pizza.

And excuse the quality of the pics. My cell phone doesn’t do so well in under lit, moving situations.

IMAG1963 IMAG1928

IMAG1966 IMAG1930IMAG1935


IMAG1943 IMAG1944

2011-10-119513-13-5995734 IMAG1959 IMAG1962

1 comment:

  1. Looks like everyone is having a good time!! p.s. You are looking great!
